Thursday, October 23, 2008

My tutors say...

Every lecturer who came to share their knowledge at the beginning of term gave us the same tips. It was as if they waved through the same tunnel with a similar writing on the wall on their way to the lecture room. By this I mean that they all gave us the same advice : 'For every 1 hr of lectures, do 2 hrs of study.

That was a bitter pill to swallow for most of my colleagues. To me, however, I had come across it before so I was only nodding in agreement to what was being said. I bet somebody who was sat within viewing distance of me who disapproved of this advice must have thought that I had lost a nerve. Believe me, I hadn't. I put this into practice (a little later lase year during previous studies) and soon started wondering why it took me so long to implement in the first place. There is some peace that comes with doing your work well and on time. I found that using this cue helped me as I am one who struggled with concentration (considering my other responsibilities besides studying).

So the tutors were right. Every 1 hr of lectures corresponds with 2hrs of study. Take it or leave it.
Point of caution: We all have different learning styles which we should adopt according to our own preferences so I am breathing this down your throat!
You got the information so make your own choices!

Good luck! Au revuoir! (excuse my spelling if it's wrong. I am not French).

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