Thursday, October 23, 2008

My Study tips and coping strategies

Since I started my higer education studies, my tutors have been very helpful and encouraging as far as study skills are concerned. The workload is mountainous and keeps increasing by the day.

To cope, I am using a first in first out method as those familiar with stock-taking will be aware. What I am given by my tutors to do, I do straight away so that I can create room for what is coming. Fine, I may not get it right the first time, but getting started kills the writer's block which, I must say, paralyses your mind and stops you from thinking. Okay, this happened to me a while back and the frustration that comes with it is vile!

University education is definitely not like nursery education. I have learned through my own experience that if I do not take charge of my studies, my studies will take charge of me. By that I mean that my books will pile up around me and put so much pressure on me that if I don't begin to burge, they are literally going to swallow me!

That is what happens when an assignment is left to the last minute. Suddenly everything starts going wrong: my printer might suddenly run out of ink and refuse to print, my computer might just hang and who knows, the electrics might just develop some short circuit issues! And imagine all this happening on the night before the deadline. What a mess! (my dad's favourite expression)

Get in the study mode and do not let the discouragement and negative feelings of others around you to prevent you from starting your work. Also, don't think that you have a lot of time because you don't. Time flies when you are busy and before you know it, exams are round the corner and you have not started reading and revising for them!

Take heart! It is not that bad. Do yourself a favour and get started as soon as possible. Make sacrifices and ocassionally miss those parties and booze outings that can be so much fun. It will not hurt you. Actually, you will end up thanking your lucky stars that you exercised some self control.

Cheers and be strong!

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